Fashion Friday- Sweater Dress


| Dress: Old, Similar, Similar, Similar | Necklace: Beaded by W |

| Earrings: Kendra Scott | Booties: Lucky |

It has been a rainy dreary week here in Texas! Rainy weeks just make we want to snuggle up, unfortunately the first week back to school this semester has not been kind enough to allow for that! What ever happened to syllabus week???

What I love about cold weather is that it makes sweater dresses the perfect attire! This is my absolute favorite sweater dress I feel as if I am always throwing it on and styling it to wear to church, or dinner!

Sweater dresses can be SO versatile! I love transitioning them from Fall to Winter to the start of Spring. On cold days I like to throw on tights and boots and for the spring I’ll wear booties or wedges to smooth the transition! The simplicity of a sweater dress allows for fun statement necklaces and scarves to spice up the look each time you wear it!

Now is the perfect time to shop for sweater dresses! Most companies are putting them on sale, but they are still in season, especially if you get thin light wight ones like this one! Wear them now or save them for next fall/winter season!

How do you like to wear and style sweater dresses?


101 in 1,001 Update!

I officially have 22 months left in my 101 plan! The time has just escaped me! I started this project in March 2016 because of posts I had seen by several other bloggers, and I will finish in November 2018, which will be almost one year into my ‘adulting life’! You can see my original post about this project here. Here are details of what I have done this year with updates on how I did it!

1. Come up with 101 things- took forever, but I did and here we are today!


3. Run a fun 5K- Okay, so I don’t actually run, so maybe this was a poor word choice…, but my parents and I did walk the Fort Worth Turkey Trot this year! We have talked about doing for so long and with family plans and food preparations it has never worked out, so we all were excited to participate this Thanksgiving!

6. Clean out closet- This happened while I was home over the summer. It was time and I donated so many clothes that were not being worn and my closet feels so much better! I do already feel like I should clean it out again, haha, it’s a never ending cycle!

13. Blog Consistently for a month- I am honestly SO proud of myself for keeping up with this blog, and thank you to you all for reading my posts with me! I have so much joy in writing for this blog and I hope to continue to be consistent throughout 2017, I have lots of fun content planned!

22. Make a birthday cake for someone- This was so much fun! My grandmother would make a German Chocolate cake for my dad every year. This year, we lost my grandmother and I didn’t want my dad to not have his German Chocolate cake so with my mom’s help I was able to make him a cake! It was a little dry, but hey for a first try it was pretty great!


24. Go to a street race- on the chance that I won’t actually attend this illegal activity… I did go to the Formula 1 race in Austin this fall with Leah and had the best time! You can see my post about the race here.


30. Read every book of the Bible- I listened to the Bible this summer as I drove to and from work, it was about an hour drive both ways and I learned so much, although listening is not the same as reading and I would like to actually read the Bible, but for this listening totally counts! Read my post about it here. This year I’m reading The Story by the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio.


37. Host Friendsgiving- This is one of my favorite things about Thanksgiving! I hosted and even attempted to make a turkey this year! I say attempted because, well… it didn’t turn out so well, but thankfully I had also made ham and that was quite enjoyed!!! Even with a turkey fail, it was a fun evening filled with friends and thankfulness!


52. Test drive a car I will never be able to own- One of my graduate school projects was on Tesla Motors. The group took a trip to Houston for a test drive! I quite loved the car and the auto pilot feature was pretty cool, although I’m not sure I’m ready for driverless vehicles just yet… (Photo not of the Tesla)

57. Read 24 books in a year- I actually read 35 books this year! I just went crazy! Maybe I’ll have to increase this for 2017!

61. Listen to all Breakaway Ministries podcasts- I definitely started this summer 2015, but it took me a whole year so it counts for this list!


66. Go to one concert a year- I did this as a stretch and I ended up going to 3! I went to a private Aaron Carter concert in August, it was for a neighboring sorority and was one of those ‘why not’ and ‘this isn’t real’ moments! I also went to the Ben Rector concert on campus and then got to see him perform again along with Z. Bozeman for an event on campus promoting unity of people. (Photo of Ben Rector, sorry for the poor quality!)

75. Wake up at 6am for a week- I’m in grad school… I don’t know why I thought this would be hard! I’ll work on the whole month this next year!

79. Go to a professional sports game- My second week as an intern the office was going to the Rangers Baseball game and invited me along!

81. Vote in the 2016 Presidential Election- I did it, enough said!

83. Remove the Theta sticker from my car- my roommate and I did this together last year just before graduation, it was a sad and liberating moment! (and actually a lot harder than we thought it would be… those things are stuck tight!)


95. Bake something from scratch- without my grandmother I have the opportunity to do this several times! cake, fudge, cookies… apparently I only liked when she made dessert…

97. Get a mentor- my student advisor is my mentor not only for the organization, but for life. She is so good about asking about my friends, and my projects, and my family!

I did not cross off as much as I was hoping I would this year, but 18 isn’t bad! I sure have my work cut out for me in 2017 to start crossing off more adventures!

Have you made a list? Share it with me!


From the Book Shelf

In 2016, I committed to reading 24 books a year, so an average of 2 books a month. I am so happy to say I exceeded that goal by 11 books! This was the first year in college that I really carved out time to read and I enjoyed life so much more because of it!!!

The Goodreads challenge really help me accountable to making sure I read and head of a lot of great books that way! You can find my mid-way post on the reading challenge here. I finished out the year with 20 more books than I had read in July. I also used a site called BookBub. Please tell me you have seen this all over your Pinterest board! Well I succumbed finally and I am so happy! It sends you an email every day (I filter mine through, post here) and it tells you what books are currently being offered for $3 and under- some are even free- as well as where you can get the books, Apple Books, Kindle, Nook, etc.

Some of my favorite books are below:






Books I want to read next:





What books do you recommend I read this year?


New Year’s Resolutions

Happy-New-Years-Fireworks-2015-1.pngIt’s that time of year again when everyone makes a resolution {for two weeks…LOL} I have always loved the beginning of a new year, the opportunity to make a resolution, the chance the reinvent yourself! I have never liked the “common” resolutions people make- lose weight, be more active, watch less TV… etc.

One of my favorite resolutions that I have heard someone make is ‘maintenance’. Now what does that mean exactly? It’s about maintaining friendships, maintaining a good lifestyle, maintaining commitment to Faith and spreading the Gospel. I think it’s really cool because it encompasses multiple aspects of life, and it’s not something you can really ‘fail’ at, but grow with!

A few years ago, I found a great list for New Year’s resolutions that I like to use personally! I write my resolutions on a giant sticky note and place it on the inside of the back cover of my Bible for a daily reference. These are my resolutions for 2017:

Bad Habit to break: Gossip- I constantly struggle to overcome succumbing to the gossip circle. This year I really want to focus on gossip rings and break the habit of seeking and spreading news!

New Skill: So funny, last year I wanted to do blogging and now here I am! This year I want to learn a new language. Now I may not become fluent, but I want to make a move at it!

Person to be like: This is always a hard one because there are so many great people, and I also want to shield myself from falling into a trap of comparing myself against someone else. So I want to live my life like Jesus and focus on spreading the Gospel to those around me.

Good Deed: I want to do more small acts of kindness for friends and family. With so much going on in life it’s easy to get caught up in “me”, but I want to be caught up in others!

Travel: If only I had an endless expense account… haha I don’t have any travel plans currently, but I would really like to have an internship out of state so hopefully that will come through!

Book to read: books are a whim for me, last year I challenged myself to read 24 books in a year (halfway post here, final post coming on that soon!) Let’s just say it went well and this year I want to read 36 books in a year!

Letter: I really want to write a letter to one friend a week. This is a resolution that I usually fail at, so I’m going to carve out time in my planner to make it happen this year!

New Food: Okay, so I can never pick this ahead of time…. It’s always a spur of the moment, I’m with someone and they order something and I go for it! I am such a picky eater I’ll never order something new for myself! So I want to do the Whole 30 that will be my “new food” program!

Do Better: Maintain friendships! (back to that maintenance thing again!) With half of my friends in the real world beginning their careers, and others getting married and starting families and others in school like me it gets really hard to keep up with those that are significant to me! I want to work harder on reaching out to all of my friends near and far!
