Christmas Tradition

This weekend, I had the pleasure of partaking in my two favorite Christmas traditions, Christmas Cookies with Mimi and Homemade Garlic Cheese! Both of these traditions have roots in my family and in me.

I have made Christmas Cookies with Mimi literally my whole life. With my cousin being four years older then me, the tradition had begun just before I came into the picture and I was quickly added into the mix. It is a peak of the Christmas season every year! As soon as Thanksgiving leftovers are gone and Christmas music is in the air, I can’t help but get excited for cookies! The memories made in that kitchen with Mimi, Granddaddy, and my cousin, Will, are numerous!

IMG_2688.JPGWe have been through every phase- from more icing on the counter than the cookie, to skillfully trying to out do each other with “masterpiece” cookies {they were always eaten, so looking back this seems so silly!}, to slathering them in icing and sprinkles as quickly as possible to enjoy the leftover dough!

IMG_4633.jpgAs much as it means to Will and I to set aside time to decorate cookies every year, I know it means so much more to Mimi and Granddaddy! I hope to continue Christmas Cookies with my own children and nieces and nephews one day, and with their children someday after that!

When people talk about what makes them think of Christmas, people often say things like cinnamon, or peppermint, or carols. For me, Christmas has a very unique smell…Garlic! I know how strange that sounds, but every year my dad and I carry out his family tradition of making homemade Garlic Cheese. This cheese then becomes our gift to neighbors and dear friends!

My Great-Grandfather began the tradition of making Garlic Cheese sometime in the 1950’s if not earlier! It’s amazes me every year, that the recipe card my dad and I use has been passed down for four generations! {I’ll give you the recipe, but you have to marry into the family first!} People have come to expect our cheese now, and ask for it before it’s been made!

IMG_4599I love sharing this with my dad! It’s the one night out of the year we kick my mom fully out of the kitchen, although she does wrap and package the cheese! We pull out the big mixer and other tools and begin the process of mixing up our cheese! I so look forward to the day that I get my very own big mixer, I know the first thing I use it for- Christmas or not- will be for Homemade Garlic Cheese!

